The Great Tomato Rebellion
Maybe it’s just how I rebelled against my parents, or maybe it’s my artistic brain that loves colors and sporadic looks. Either way I am the “rebellious one” in the family in regards to gardening. The funkier the color the more I am enticed. The weirder the name the more I want it. The crazier it looks the quicker I buy it.
My mom and dad have mastered the art of tomato growing. Over almost thirty-five years of marriage they have refined their list of must grow tomatoes to about five to six types. I, on the other hand, love to experiment. Since my parents will have more than enough “normal” produce on their hands I know there is room to grow crazier varieties. Some years are a hit, some are flat out fails, and one year I bought a plant randomly, loved it, but lost the name of it. Now I will never know the name of the legendary cherry tomatoes of 2014.
Last year was one the best experimental years for I found two varieties that will become a staple in my own garden: Sun Gold Hybrid Cherry and Super Sweet 100.
Sun Gold

Why stray away from the standard red cherry tomato? Because its fun! The petite fruit can light up a midsummers night with their bright and cheery colors. The vivacious little tomato bursts with flavor accompanied by the right amount of acidity. Sun Golds are aesthetically pleasing and perfect for any culinary masterpiece you are creating.
Super Sweet 100

This was a total spur of the moment purchase from Tractor Supply (I was only suppose to buy chicken food, oops!). All summer I was constantly picking dark red cherry tomatoes from just a single plant. Its flavor was outstanding, so sweet and delicious! Great to add to salads or for just nibbling on while you’re out gardening. The plant finally stopped producing only because I pulled it out to make room for my cold crops! What a magnificent accidental find!
Right now my little Sun Gold and Super Sweet 100 tomato seedlings are happily growing, patiently waiting for their turn to be hardened off and planted in their new homes. My empty baskets will soon be full of scrumptious fruit, and before you know it, I will be making my favorite Pico de Gallo recipe out of my freshly picked crop. What marvelous moments we have to look forward to.
Happy Gardening!