Tales of the Traveling Flower Farmer
When traveling I can’t really say I am a victim of homesickness, unless it is defined by the yearning to garden, whether it is weeding, planting seeds, composting, even to use or clean my garden tools. As a matter of fact, I have been known to ramble through Orchard Supply (when in business) and long for my own dirt. One time I purchased a couple shopping bags with great pictures of shovels and wheelbarrows for solace.

This past trip there was no time for such frivolity, it was hurry up get our tasks complete and on the road home again. However, I did snag a great bush shaping idea from the hotel, and the variety of cacti were captivating.
But on this trip Instagram was like being home and I was able to keep up with the farm lifestyles. I got to keep up with Floret’s seed orders, bravo to them. And kudos to the Agronomist with his worm farm updates. I was able to discuss this issue with my husband who was trapped in the car with me, he actually caved in early on the drive, smart man, he knew we had hundreds of miles to go before he would have relief from the subject. Nancy’s posts kept me abreast to what the plots look like, and the weather issues. Seeing how out animals were doing, the cats were trouble makers as usual was a nice addition.
Computers have their issues. I was given a directive not to finalize my seed order at the hotel due to big time hotel hacking and directions were not always the best, sometimes the worse.
But I got to see new hats and able to express my opinion we prefer the grey hats from Finster Farms, and the video of Visalia Farmers Market settled some of my longing for home.
No, I am not suggesting to turn your back on a new adventure for Instagram and Facebook, we all need to interact and enjoy new experiences, but the opportunity to keep up was amazing.
Upon returning from Arizona, from their clear beautiful skies to our San Joaquin Valley tule fog, gloom could have set in, if I didn’t remember our fog is what contributes to our wonderful valley being the ‘Breadbasket of the World’, I just count my blessings to be able to be a part of this dynamic farming community.